Pizza Night
We love pizza in our house, but it can get really expensive ordering out for pizza. With all the pizza places around where we live, it is hard to find one that is not only cheap, but tastes good too. Recently, we decided to try to make our own pizza. We enjoyed it so much, that it is going to become a monthly tradition.
I had never made homemade pizza dough before, but I thought I’d try my hand at it. I did some research for a good, easy dough recipe, and of course, I found several. They all seemed pretty much the same, so I just went with it. The only problem I had, was that the recipe itself, was very vague, and somewhat confusing. It did not give clear instructions on how to make the dough.
Pizza Dough
2 tablespoons active yeast
2 pinches sugar
1 1/2 cups, very warm (not hot) water
3 1/2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons oil
pizza sauce
choice toppings
Step 1
In small bowl add 1/4 cup of warm water to yeast, set aside for 10 minutes.

Step 2
In large bowl, add flour, salt, and sugar. Once yeast has set, add to flour mixture, mixing well with your hands. Slowly add the remaining water, a little at a time, until dough is smooth and pulls away from bowl.
Step 3
Work dough into a ball, lightly coat with oil. Cover with film wrap and dish cloth. Allow to sit for 30 minutes to an hour.
Step 4
Preheat oven to 350F
Step 5
Once dough has risen twice its size, tear into two smaller balls. On a smooth surface sprinkle with flour, set your dough in the middle, sprinkle with flour and roll your dough out to fit your pizza pan. Do this for each dough ball.
Step 6
Lightly grease your pizza pan, or coat with coarse corn meal. Place crust onto pan. Bake for 5 minutes.

Step 7
Spread a thin layer of pizza sauce in middle of crust. Add a small amount of your favorite cheese, and begin adding toppings, with a small layer of cheese on the top.
Step 8
Bake for 12 minutes, or until cheese is melted, and crust is golden brown. Allow to sit for 5 minutes before serving.
The recipe says to add warm water to your yeast to activate it, take a small amount of your total water and add just enough to cover the yeast, and let sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
Once your yeast is activated, and you are ready to start mixing, use your hands, do not try to use a wooden spoon, this will only result in a sore arm. Add a little at a time of your remaining water to the flour mixture. By doing this you will ensure you do not use too much water, and then have to add more and more flour. Knead the mixture as you add the water, until you get that ‘elastic and smooth’ texture you are looking for.
When you are ready to let the dough rest, pour a small amount of oil onto your hands and spread it around the entire ball of dough, before setting into a clean bowl. Cover with a warm, clean towel. The longer you let the dough rest, the better off you will be. I’d say at least an hour.
Make sure you roll the dough out nice and flat, remember it will rise more once you start baking it. Another tip I learned, you can spread your pizza sauce on the rolled out dough and bake for a couple of minutes, before adding the rest of your toppings, this will allow the crust to rise some without over cooking your toppings.
Making pizzas shouldn't be a chore to dread, it should be fun for the whole family. Figure out the best method for you and improve on it. Your hands are your best tool when it comes to making dough. Don’t be afraid to get dirty, and make a mess, that is half the fun.
So whether pizza night is a once a month meal, or just an occasional thing, have fun with it. Add your favorite herbs and spices to the dough. Try melting butter, or use olive oil, seasoned and spread on the edges. Make up new combinations of cheese blends and toppings, maybe even a dessert pizza. The possibilities are endless.
For the perfect pizza night add these other yummy recipes.