Img for Snowball Meltaways

Snowball Meltaways

  • Category Desserts
  • Difficulty Difficulty
  • Prep Time 20
  • Cook Time 15
  • Total Time 35
  • Serves 1

Christmas time around my house growing up was all about cookies. My mom spent hours, days it seemed in the kitchen making the yummiest cookies ever. My favorite were always Snowball Meltaways, or Russian tea cakes. These bite size shaped cookies would literally burst in your mouth.

Kim Glee



  • 1 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup powder sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 1/2 cups, sifted flour
  • 1/2 cup, finely chopped pecan
  • powder sugar

How To8 Steps

Step 1

In small heavy sauce pan, melt butter. Cook until brown in color. Pour into a small dish, cover, and place in the fridge. Chill until butter is firm. 

Step 2

With mixer, cream butter with 1/2 cup powder sugar and vanilla, until light and fluffy. 

Step 3

Gradually add flour in small amounts until well blended. 

Step 4

With wooden spoon mix in pecans.

Step 5

Place dough in the fridge and chill for several hours. This allows the dough to form better. 

Step 6

Shape 1 inch balls, using your hands to roll them out. If dough becomes too warm, place back in fridge. Place each shaped ball onto baking sheets. 

Step 7

Bake for 20 minutes at 350. Be sure to turn to prevent browning too much on one side, and becoming flat. 

Step 8

Dust with powder sugar while still warm. 

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